Summon: Updated Instructions on Ebook Central Perpetual and DDA Collection

This email is for all libraries who use Summon. We have updated instructions for how to subscribe to the 348 ebook titles in NC LIVE's Ebook Central Perpetual Collection in Summon:


  • In October 2023, NC LIVE deaccessioned 31 titles from the Ebook Central Permanent Collection. The title count used to be 379, and then we deaccessioned 31 titles, bringing the new total to 348 titles.
  • Most libraries are subscribed to Automatic Holdings Management in Summon. This means that we can't remove the ebooks from our collection (as we recommended with our previous instructions). Instead we need to turn off the visibility of the ebooks in the collection by unsubscribing to the ebooks in 360 Core, 360 Link, and Summon. This is done in the Holdings Management section of each title in the Client Center. 

Here are simplified instructions for how to turn of the visibility of the 31 deaccessioned titles in bulk: 

1. Make sure you are subscribed to the collection AABBV in the Client Center. On the Database Details page for AABBV, make sure the box is checked that says "We subscribe to only some of the titles in this database"

2. On the database details page for AABBV, click the link next to "Titles" that says "379 of [title#]"

3. On the next page, use the "Upload" button to upload this title list 

4. You're all set! The database details page for AABBV will still say you are subscribed to 379 titles, but the visibility for the 31 titles will be turned off in 360 Core, 360 Link, and Summon, so they will no longer show up in search results.

Please email the NC LIVE Help Desk with any questions. You can find more discovery information and instructions on NC LIVE website here: